Akiles Diamond 1 Corner Rounder Round Cornering Device Review

Akiles Diamond 1 Corner Rounder Round Cornering Device Review

The Akiles diamond 1 is designed to backing you briskly andeasily add ambit corners to all of your celebrated documents,promotional materials and fresh printed items.It uses a special recess cutting die to add a range to the alcove on a insignificant pile of documents at a situation It is flawless forrounding the corners on your paper, PVC, polyester, skin andpolypropylene items

Akiles Diamond 1 Corner Rounder Round Cornering Device Review

Akiles Diamond 1 Corner Rounder Round Cornering Device Review


  • The Akiles diamond 1 is designed to aegis you briskly andeasily add circuit corners to all of your celebrated documents,promotional materials and fresh printed items It is whole forrounding the corners on your paper, PVC, polyester, hide andpolypropylene items.
  • It uses a special cavity cutting die to add a scope to the corner on a trifling pile of documents at a time

Strengths and Features:

  • One of the elite things about the Akiles Diamond 1 cornerrounder is the fee The Diamond one costs less than $150 including adie This is about $50 less than most further comparable cranny roundingmachines on the tout However, the most immense savings with theDiamond 1 comes in the dies Dies for the Diamond 1 only payment about$20 Compare that to $70-$100 for most further alcove rounding dies andthe Akiles is a much cheaper crevice rounding option
  • TheAkiles Diamond 1 allows you to round the corners on a stack of paper upto 0.4″ at a point This style that you can process a fairly large stackof documents in extremely short cipher of time There are a few cornerrounders that can knops a little mouthful more paper than this but not verymany.
  • The Akiles Diamond 1 ships with the apparatus that you needto use in command to change the dies and with a convenient radiusselector device to help you choose the redress area die for your projectThe implements and the scale excerpt splice conveniently in a drawer that islocated in the base of the amount You can even fit extra gamut dies inthe base of the corner rounder.
  • There are a quantity ofdifferent reach dies available for use with the Diamond 1 including a1/8″ reach die, a 3/8″ area die, a ” area die, a 45 nuance angledie and a half moon die for thumb score calendar punching
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Weaknesses and Limitations:

  • Although there is a fully decent passage of dies forthe Akiles Diamond 1, additional crevice rounders have a stockpile larger selectionof dies available for them If you privation to circle your documents with alarger scale or with an extremely trifling radius, you cede deprivation toselect a different nook rounder.
  • The cutting table on theAkiles diamond 1 is actually a mountain smaller than an 8.5″ x 11″ documentThis routine that you have to hold the document with one menial and obtain itpressed in calling while you pull the stud with your additional hand
  • TheAkiles Diamond 1 uses trivial unhappy cutting pads that wear out during thecutting process. These pads deprivation to be replaced on a normal basis inorder to ensure the sort of cutting that is achieved These padsaren’t extraordinary expensive and come in packs of five It is worth having afew on drudge inside the drawer of your Diamond 1.


For organizations that dearth to round the corners on paltry to mediumnumbers of documents or items, the Diamond 1 is an nonpareil solution. Itis innocent to use and offers an laudable value for your fiscal However,organizations that deprivation to round a stockpile of documents or that needspecial sized radius corners for their documents may want to consider alarger recess rounding unit
